Leading Meeting Magic

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If there is one thing that can make or break project efficiency, it is project status meetings. Love them or hate them, they are part of our project lifeblood. We have all been in meetings that left us wishing we could melt into the floor, and we recognize when sessions feel effective. 

So, what gives? Do some meeting leaders have more "meeting magic" than others? No! The recipe for meeting success is easy to execute, and today we'll share with you how to facilitate a successful project status meeting. We can start by focusing on three key areas: Before, During, and After the meeting. 

Before the Meeting: 
Project Managers who are leading successful meetings begin laying the foundations of success before the meeting starts. Just like executing an elaborate and elegant dance routine, preparation is critical. Before the meeting, here are a few steps to consider that will set your session up to be effective and efficient.

Step 1: Consider the purpose of your meeting. Who needs to attend? What decisions will be made? These elements will help inform your planning.

Step 2: Set an agenda. Take into consideration how long each discussion point will take to appropriately review, and plan accordingly. Common elements to project status meetings include milestone reviews, project health reports, metric reviews, and RAID reviews, among other items.

Step 3: Once you have drafted your agenda, send a calendar invitation, and include relevant information. In your calendar invitation, clarify whether the meeting will take place in person or via phone or virtual conference software.

During the Meeting: 
Your meeting is where your preparation pays off! During your meeting, you are at the helm, a captain steering their ship. It is your job to avoid the shoals and, at times, navigate choppy waters. Here's how:

Begin your meeting on time. Starting on time demonstrates to your attendees that you respect their time. If possible and appropriate, you may choose to record the session so that those who were unable to arrive at the scheduled time can review the recording following the meeting. Start your meeting by reviewing your agenda and objectives; this brings focus to your time and reminds participants of your purpose. 

As you move through your agenda, stay on target with the objective of your meeting. If other topics or questions arise, consider taking note of them or placing them in a meeting "parking lot" to review in a follow-up discussion. When decisions are made, or action items are outlined, clarify who is responsible for completing those tasks as well as the expected timeline for completion. 

The most crucial job of project managers during status meetings is to communicate. Communication includes updating team members and stakeholders on status and milestones. Communication also involves listening. Use active listening techniques to engage with attendees. Ask clarifying questions. Acknowledge team member contributions; when possible, do so by name. Engaging with and listening to meeting participants will illuminate challenges and risks more than reports are able.

After the Meeting: 
After your meeting, follow up with stakeholders and participants. Following up can often be done via email. Thank them for their time. Include any decisions made, takeaways, or action items; include meeting notes and recordings if appropriate. If there is to be a follow-up meeting, outline when it will take place.

Bonus Tip: If you know that it may be a challenge to take thorough notes during the meeting, ask a participant or colleague to take down your meeting minutes. Delegating the task of note-taking can allow you to be more attentive and focused during the conversation.

Masterful chefs craft the most delicious meals with the magic of basic ingredients, and project status meetings are no different. By using the formula outlined above, and preparing for "Before, During, and After" your project status meeting, you can avoid challenges that can plague our meetings as project managers. Here's to meeting magic!